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Rylee Parker born July 1

David and Micki Parker, of Kings Mountain, proudly announce the birth of their daughter Rylee Parker on July 1 at Atrium Shelby. Rylee weighed 7 pounds and was 19-1/2 inches long. Rylee’s sister is Madison Mellon. Proud grandparents are Danny and Peggy Parker of Kings Mountain, and Chad and Brenda Carpenter of Grover.
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Broad River Genealogical Society helps folks learn local family history

Researching genealogy online is often fun and rewarding, until you realize the dates, ages and locations are not accurate, grandma could not have had a child at six or even eighty years of age. How do you resolve those issues? Through old-school, hands-on, genealogical research, and that’s exactly what the Broad River Genealogical Society Archives/Library offers.
There are one-of-a-kind histories available to assist the researcher with regional families going back before the Revolutionary War. There are private collections allowing rare glimpses into the fabric of area families as their threads extend westward.
There are stories and mysteries awaiting to be unearthed in many of the old records. Don’t miss this truly remarkable asset called the Broad River Genealogical Society Archives/Library located at 1145 County Home Road, Shelby NC 28152, open every Tuesday evening 6 to 8 pm; 2nd and 3rd Saturday’s 9 am to 1 pm; or by appointment.
Broad River Genealogical Society also offers membership for $25 dollars a year. With that membership, you get four booklets, one each quarter you. The booklets are about 60-pages filled with ancestry of the area and its history.
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Wyldwood Stringband

Wyldwood Stringband at
Earl Scruggs center stage
Thursday, July 14

By Loretta Cozart

This Thursday, July 14, Earl Scruggs Center Stage Concert Series features Wyldwood String Band from 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.
Wyldwood Stringband is the collaboration of Caroline Tanner, Sarah Hollis, and Phil Lanier. Each of them separated by a decade, but with the same passion, the evolution of bluegrass and old-time folk music. Sarah’s father and Phil’s uncle played in a bluegrass band together “Bitter Creek” in the 70s, they are from right here where the music began in North Carolina.
Caroline in from western Canada and fell in love with bluegrass on Vancouver Island before moving the heartland of the music that stole her heart. Bringing their various backgrounds together Wyldwood Stringband strives to honor the traditions from which the music came, while pushing it forward and having a good time along the way.
All tickets are General Admission for $10 and a cash bar is available.
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Creativity, Community & Emergence: Book Artists finding hope in isolation

The Cleveland County Arts Council announced a new exhibit that includes work from more than 25 artists from North Carolina’s Triangle Book Arts created to communicate and express hope during the isolation of the Covid 19 pandemic.
These artists will share work shown last summer in a group exhibit at Duke Hospital, which was open only to caregivers, patients, and their families; art they sent to each other in the U.S. Mail (“Mail Art”); and works they have made more recently during this uncertain time of emergence. The artwork ranges from charming and playful to the serious, beautiful, disturbing, and thought provoking.
The exhibit is on display at Cleveland County Arts Council, 111 S. Washington St., Shelby. The exhibit will remain up through August 11.
   Accordion books, button books, collages, printmaking, retablo installation, books in boxes, postcards, and bookmarks are just some of the forms of art that members of North Carolina’s Triangle Book Arts (TBA) have created to communicate and express hope during the isolation of the pandemic. Accustomed to sharing their work and meeting to share skills, swap supplies, and show their latest work in community workshops, the group sought ways to communicate and share in new and challenging circumstances.
Book art embraces a surprising array of skills and approaches from letterpress printing to origami, collage, painting, and photography. TBA members define “book art” widely, from art that uses and plays with forms of the book as a medium of expression to any work that refers to the book as an idea or form of inspiration.
   The Arts Council is open Mon. – Friday, 9:00 – 4:00 and Saturday from 10:00 – 2:00. For more information, call 704-484-2787 or visit or

July Library news

By Mari Slaughter

The Motley Tones
The region’s most popular pirate performing group entertaining families with their unique blend of classical and oft-times amusing sea shanties. They are well known for their interactive street shows that captivates the crowds. Wednesday, July 13, 11 am – NOON. Kings Mountain Patriots Park, 220 S. Railroad Ave. Family event

Pirate Workshop
Learn the pirate way of life with the Motley Tones while enjoying a free lunch. Patriots Park Amphitheater, courtesy of Mauney Memorial Library. Wednesday, July 13, 1-2 pm. TEENS ONLY – REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Light-Up Camping Buckets
Assemble a portable light-up camping seat, customized with vinyl from the library Cricut machine. Thursday, July 14, 1-2 pm, Library Community Room. ADULTS – REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Read Local Book Fair
Meet with local authors and hear about their books at the annual Read Local Book Fair! The seventeen authors will have books for sale. Patrick Senior Center, 909 East King Street. Monday, July 18, 10 – 1 pm. All Ages Welcome

InterACTive Theater of Jef Lambdin
Whether onstage or roving, Jef is a quiet kind of guy. He juggles and balances things. He gets confused at times. (Sometimes he even forgets what his hat is for!) He involves his audience members to help him when he’s confused and to play along with his mime, mask, and variety arts shenanigans. He even leads sing-a-longs!  
Jef studied mime with C.W. Metcalf and Tony Montanaro with brief instruction with Jacques Lecoq. For 17 years he performed as a member of TOUCH, North Carolina’s premier mime theater. He then created the mascot, Wool E. Bull, for the Durham Bulls Baseball Club and began performing with his juggling partner, Ken Kay, as Ken & Jef.  Since Ken retired, Jef has performed solo, captivating children and families throughout the South.
Wednesday, July 20, 10 – 11 am, Kings Mountain Patriots Park, 220 S. Railroad Ave.
Ages: 6 – 12

STEM Toy Saturdays
Enjoy a rotating selection of fun STEM (Science, Technology, Electronics, Mathematics) Toys. Saturday, July 30, 10 am – 12:30 pm. Harris Children’s Wing. Ages: 6 -12

Field Day
Have fun in the sun with bounce houses, water inflatables and a complimentary scoop of ice cream from Scoop! Inflatables provided by Mad Hatter Amusements. Tuesday, July 26, 10 am – NOON, Kings Mountain Patriots Park, 220 S. Railroad Ave. Ages: 6 – 12

Zoom Storytime with Miss Anne
Follow along with stories and songs from the comfort of your home. Register: event calendar. Tuesdays, 10:30-11:00 am. Event URL will be sent via registration email. Ages: preschoolers

Library Storytime
in Person
Come to the library to enjoy a story and sing songs with Miss. Anne, then take home a fun craft! Register by going to URL: event calendar,
Fridays 10:30-11:00 am, Mauney Library Community Room Ages: preschoolers
Computer Lab
Drop-In Computer Lab for personalized help with any technology questions you may have. Thursdays, July 7, 21, and 28, Noon – 4 pm, Carolina Room at Mauney Library.
This project is made possible by funding from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (IMLS grant number LS-250229-OLS-21).

Lego Club
Free build and participate in group projects, snacks provided. Third Thursday of every month. 3:30 – 4:30 pm, Library Community Room. Ages: 6-12 years old

Zoom Bedtime
Join event by typing in URL:
Fourth Tuesday of every month, 7:30 pm

A Company of Readers Book Club
Meet with other book club lovers to discuss what you have been reading for the month. This is a unique group. There is not a designated read. Monday, July 18, 5:00 – 6:00 pm,  Mauney Library Community Room Ages: Adults

Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Mauney Memorial Library is located at 100 S. Piedmont Avenue, Kings Mountain, NC 28086. For the latest in library news and events, visit      
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Sheriff Alan Norman

Sheriff Norman’s tips for
a safe July 4th weekend

With the July 4m weekend approaching, Cleveland County Sheriff Alan Norman asks all citizens to join him in making this Fourth of July holiday happy, enjoyable, and safe for everyone.
Cleveland County citizens should remember that fireworks, as enjoyable as they are to watch, can be dangerous and should only be handled by professionals.
According to the U.S. Consumer Product and Safety Commission, there are nearly 13,000 emergency room-treated injuries associated with fireworks a year. You can enjoy a safe Fourth of July by following these safety tips:
• Make yourself familiar with GS 14-414 for allowable fireworks (remember fireworks that detonate, explode, or propel themselves through the air are illegal)
• Never give fireworks to small children
• Stay at least 500 feet away from professional fireworks displays.
• Leave any area immediately where untrained amateurs are using fireworks.
Sheriff Norman also wants citizens to use caution when swimming at a pool or driving on busy streets and highways. Sheriff Norman said, “Sadly, most deaths from drowning occur within a few feet of safety.” The best thing anyone can do to stay safe in and around the water is to learn to swim. The Red Cross has swimming courses for people of any age and swimming ability. To find out where lessons are offered, or to enroll in a CPR/AED or first aid course, contact your local Red Cross chapter.
At a swimming pool, take the following precautions:
• If no lifeguard is on duty, do not let children swim unless they are accompanied by a responsible adult who knows lifesaving techniques and first aid.
• Post CPR instructions and directions to call 9-1-1 or your local emergency number in the pool area.
• Look around the pool area to be certain lifesaving devices are readily available for emergency use.
• Be sure covers are installed on all drains of a swimming pool or in a wading pool. The suction created by the pool’s circulating pumps can be dangerous unless it is reduced by covers.
• Take frequent breaks (about once an hour) where everyone gets out of the water, drinks water, reapplies water resistant sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) and rests.
• If a child is missing, check the pool first. Go to the edge of the pool and scan the entire pool, bottom, and surface, as well as the surrounding pool area.
• To reduce the risk of eye, ear, nose or throat infection from contaminated water, swim only in pools in which water quality is properly maintained. The water should appear clear, be continuously circulated, and be maintained at a level that allows free overflow into the gutter or skimmer. There should not be a strong odor of ammonia or chlorine.
On the highways, follow these safety tips:
• Always shift your attention every few seconds, constantly scanning the road ahead and behind you. Never blankly stare ahead nor fix your gaze on one point on the road.
• When passing an automobile, always glance at the ground beside the front wheel of the car you intend to pass. You will know instantly if the car is about to veer - giving you extra seconds to respond.
• You should pull out into the opposite lane of traffic when passing while you are still well behind the car in front. This should give you some time and space to build up speed and will enable you to pull back into your own lane should the need arise. Never cut abruptly out of your lane into the opposite lane when passing.
• Always signal your intentions with your brake lights, turn signals, horn and/or headlights so that other drivers will see you well before you change course.
• Drivers should always “aim high” in steering. That is, you should glance frequently at points well ahead of you. Not only will this help your steering, but it will also help you check the position of vehicles in front of you as well as on-coming ones.
• Never follow too close. Remember that, as your speed increases, it takes you longer to stop. Also remember that it is good to have an extra cushion of space in front of you if you are being tail-gated, on a slippery road, or in low visibility conditions.
   “Lastly, I would remind all motorists to practice the Golden Rule when driving. Be courteous and tolerant of other drivers. Please don’t get angry with bad drivers or reckless ones - just get out of their way.”
   Sheriff Norman said in closing, “Following these precautions will help the children and citizens of Cleveland County stay safe and healthy this holiday weekend and throughout the summer.”

KM’s Brockman,
Melton selected to
NC Baseball Coaches’ All-State team

Kings Mountain High School pitcher-infielders Zane Brockman and Charlie Melton have been selected as pitchers on the 2022 North Carolina Baseball Coaches Association All-State team.
Brockman, a junior, compiled an 8-0 record for the Big South Conference champion Mountaineers. He registered 72 strikeouts in 42 innings pitched. He posted a 1.17 earned run average. When not on the mound, he played third base and shortstop and compiled a .356 batting average and drove in 17 runs.
Melton, a senior, posted a 5-1 pitching mark and a 1.20 ERA. He struck out 66 batters. When not on the mound he also played shortstop or third base and compiled a .256 batting average. 

“A FRESH LOOK” Art Competition and Exhibit

“A Fresh Look” art exhibit and competition opened last week at Southern Arts Society in Kings Mountain. Artists from around the region have submitted over seventy works of art to be judged for cash prizes. Artists were asked to show their most recent work taking a fresh look at the world around them. The theme for this show is very open, allowing for a wide variety of subject matter to be entered.
The artwork in the exhibit is bright and uplifting showing that the artists have chosen to see the beauty and color in the world around them. There are a lot of landscapes, wildlife, and scenes from beyond our region, perhaps showing a desire to travel again and see more of the outside world. Artists have entered work in a variety of media: oil, acrylic and pastel paintings, photography, mixed media, glass and collage.
Judging this year’s show is Myles Calvert, Associate Professor of Art at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC. The public is invited to meet participating artists at a public reception on Saturday June 25th from 6-8 pm. Awards will be presented at 7 pm. This is a Free event and dress is casual. Winners will then be posted on Southern Arts Society’s website and Facebook page. The exhibit is on view through July 29. Artwork in the exhibit is available for sale.
Southern Arts Society (SASi) Gift Shop & Gallery is located at 301 N. Piedmont Ave. at the intersection of Piedmont and Battleground Avenues in the historic Southern Railway Depot. SASi offers a gift shop, ongoing art exhibits and competitions, programs, and classes in a variety of media for artists of all levels. Gallery Hours:  Tues through Sat, 10 am to 3 pm, and by Appointment. Admission is Free. For more information, please visit, or call 704.739.5585. Email
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Patrick Senior Center
July Events

Upcoming Special Events:
• Medicare Scams and Frauds: Tuesday, July 5, 11-11:30 a.m. (also available via Zoom). Call to sign up.
• Gerd and Acid Reflux Presentation by Mountain Street Pharmacy: Thursday, July 7, 10-10:30 a.m. Call to sign up.
• Voter Registration: Friday, July 8, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
• Red Cross Blood Drive: Friday, July 15, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Please call Karen Grigg at the center to schedule an appointment.
• Local Authors’ Fair, hosted by the Mauney Library: Monday, July 18, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

Ongoing Activities at the Patrick Center
• Ceramics: Mondays, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
• Facebook Chat: Mondays, 10-10:45 a.m. (online via Facebook)
• Color Me Calm: Mondays, 10-11 a.m.
• Seniors in Motion: Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays, 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Classes begin July 6. Suggested donation of $1 per class for non-YMCA members.
• Quilting: Mondays, 12:30-3 p.m.
• Beginner Quilting: Thursdays, 1-3 p.m.
• Intermediate Line Dance (Dance Floor Rockers): Mondays, 1-3 p.m.
• Intermediate Line Dance (Southern Class): Thursdays, 10-11:30 a.m. *(on hiatus until after Labor Day)
• Clogging: Mondays, 3:30-4:30 p.m. and Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
• Knitting: Tuesdays, 8:30-10:30 a.m.
• Veterans Meeting: 1st Tuesday, 9-10 a.m.
• Dutch Lunch Bunch: 2nd Wednesday, July 13 – Red Lobster in Gastonia (Sign up required. Pay $1 transportation fee plus cost of your lunch)
• Tai Chi for Arthritis: Wednesdays, 9-10 a.m.
• Bible History: Tuesdays, 10-11 a.m.
• REFIT Dance Exercise: Tuesdays, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
• Monthly Birthday Celebration: 4th Tuesday, 10-11 a.m.
• Canasta: Tuesdays, 1-3 p.m.
• Chair Yoga: Wednesdays, 11:45-12:45 p.m. (fee required)
• Blood Pressure Clinic: 1st Wednesday, 10-11:30 a.m.
• Food Giveaway: 3rd Wednesday, 1-2:30 p.m. (registration required)
• Caregiver Support Group: 4th Wednesday, 1-2:30 p.m.
• Healthy Lifestyles Class: Thursdays, 8-9:30 a.m.
• Gentle Exercise: Thursdays, 9:30-10:15 a.m.
• Bingo: Thursdays, 10:30-11:15 a.m.
• Coffee & Conversation: Fridays, 8:30-10 a.m.
• Chorus: Fridays, 10-11 a.m.
• Friday Lunch: Fridays, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. (Call to sign up by Thursday at Noon. Cost is $3.)
• WII Bowling League: Fridays, 12-1 p.m.
• Chair Volleyball: Fridays, 12-2 p.m.
• Ping Pong/Corn Hole: Fridays, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
• Silver Strength by Lisa Medlin with Home Instead: Fridays, 3-4 p.m.
The Patrick Center is a SHIIP site and can help with Medicare questions and check to see if you qualify for Extra Help with your drug costs. We can also assist with transportation, loan equipment, incontinence supplies, nutritional supplements, and other services.
Please call the center at 704-734-0447 for more information or to sign up for programs. Programs are open to people ages 55 and up unless otherwise noted.
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Anna Holder

Holder served as
Page in Raleigh

Anna Holder, a student at Kings Mountain High School, recently served as a Page for the North Carolina House of Representatives. She is the daughter of Grant Holder and Angela Holder and was sponsored by Speaker Tim Moore. Ms. Holder was appointed and introduced to the Members of the House during session on Monday night.
The North Carolina House Page Program offers a unique and firsthand experience to students from across the state. Each year, the program provides a captivating insight into government by connecting students with elected leaders of North Carolina.
Pages are given the opportunity to observe North Carolina lawmakers, lobbyists, staff, and constituents working together in the legislative process. The Pages witness and learn how a bill becomes a law, the structure of state government, and the legislative process. House Pages attend session and committee meetings each day. House Pages are also given the opportunity to provide office assistance to members and staff of the House of Representatives.
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Ruppe, new
principal at
North Elementary

Andrew Ruppe will be North Elementary School’s new principal, after the retirement of Principal Allen. “I am extremely excited to be taking over as principal of North Elementary School for the 2022-2023 school year,” Ruppe said. “North has a long history of being an excellent school. I look forward to continuing that tradition into the future!”
Mr. Ruppe is a Cleveland County native and a current Kings Mountain resident. His entire career has been spent in the Kings Mountain Zone for Cleveland County Schools. “I was an 8th grade teacher for 6 1/2 years at Kings Mountain Middle School. I served as an assistant principal at KMMS for 3 1/2 years. For the past five years, I have served as the assistant principal of Bethware Elementary School.”
His wife, Nicole, is a teacher at Kings Mountain Intermediate School and they have one daughter that will be two in August.

W.A. Mauney House
renovation nears completion

By Loretta Cozart

Chris and David Stone have poured years of blood and sweat into restoring the second W.A. Mauney House at 106 N. Battleground Avenue in Kings Mountain. Soon, their work will be complete.
The home, a two-story vernacular Victorian, was built in 1877 by William Andrew Mauney, merchant, mill owner, and the city’s first mayor who also served in both the NC House and NC Senate.
So far, the electrical has been completely updated and the house is air conditioned. Renovations took the house from a two- to a four-bathroom home and the kitchen now has a breakfast nook. Some windows are being restored by Chris Stone at the family business, Foothills Historic Conservation.
“Things are moving along now, and I anticipate the house will be completed in four to six-weeks,” said David. “We have all the needed materials, and our crew is making substantial progress on the work. So, that timeframe is an accurate estimate.”
Take note as you pass the historic W.A. Mauney House in the next few weeks, as the porch renovation is completed. Most remaining work inside is cosmetic, involving paint and installing cabinetry and fixtures. Wallpaper in several rooms will harken back to the late 1800s, when W.A. Mauney built this home for his family to enjoy.
In ways, W.A. Mauney’s businesses and David Stone’s businesses are remarkably similar. Not because of the types of businesses they run, but because their family members are involved in many ways in their different endeavors.
David Stone’s family is involved in historic preservation and real estate locally. They own Foothills Historic Conservation, an historic restoration and general contracting business, and StoneWright Realty, both at 508 Canterbury Road in Kings Mountain. They also own The Imperial Mercantile and Lofts at 138 W. Mountain Street and the F.R. Summers house on North Piedmont Avenue in town. Currently, David Stone also serves as the president of the Historic Shelby Foundation.
What is meant by the description vernacular Victorian regarding the second W.A. Mauney home? R.W. Brunskill, author of Illustrated Handbook of Vernacular Architecture, says that in vernacular architecture, the function of the building would be the dominant factor, while aesthetic considerations, though present to some degree, take the backburner. Local materials are used as a matter of course, with other materials being chosen and imported only as needed.
W.A. Mauney built this home primarily for his family to enjoy and incorporated Victorian features, like a wraparound porch and gingerbread trim. The steep pitch of the roof is also a characteristic of such homes. Just three years prior to building his second house, W.A. Mauney and his family lived in their first home and store next door and in that year, Kings Mountain was incorporated.
This vernacular Victorian home speaks to W.A. Mauney’s stature in the community, and to the success of his business in a  brief time.
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Clean up after your dogs, it’s the law

The NC Pooper Scooper law requires that the person responsible for any dog must remove feces deposited by the dog from any private property unless the owner of the property has given permission allowing such use of the property. Removal of animal feces is not just a courtesy; it is an environmental necessity.
When animal feces are not removed as required by law, rainwater carries it into the storm drains. The City's Stormwater system is separate and does not treat water. This gravity-directed system merely carries Stormwater complete with litter, including animal feces, on its natural path to the creeks and streams that feed into the Catawba River and the Broad River. Both rivers are a source of drinking water for our neighbors in North and South Carolina.
The animal feces that you see going into that Stormwater drain will wind up in our creeks, streams, and Rivers. This pollution leads to the development of oxygen-robbing algae and other problem organism which can cause fish kills and human health threats.
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Liberty Mountain returns to the Joy Performance Center on Friday, June 24

Historians agree that the Battle of Kings Mountain in October 1780 turned the tide of the American Revolution and began the series of victories that led to the British surrender at Yorktown a year later. The rugged Patriot frontiersmen who defeated a larger, better-trained force of Loyalists at Kings Mountain secured for all of us the freedoms we enjoy today.
We will soon begin our seventh season of “Liberty Mountain,” the Revolutionary War Drama, at the Joy Performance Center in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. It’s a compelling story of the settling of the Carolinas by pilgrims from the Old World who came to our land to build new lives, raise good families, and worship as they pleased. Our production is an action-filled 90 minutes that intimately portrays the lives of these hardy men, women, and children. It is an immersive experience of special effects, sights, and sounds. Audiences in our previous seasons have come away entertained and inspired.
“Liberty Mountain” features a cast of more than 30 actors in a fast-moving, action-packed drama. Playwright Robert Inman says, “The talented cast and crew bring our audience a production that is true to history, highly entertaining, and inspiring. Every American should know the story of Kings Mountain and the crucial role it played in granting us the freedoms we enjoy today.”
Director Caleb Sigmon has been guiding “Liberty Mountain” since its premier in 2014. He says, “We use the entire auditorium to bring the story to life. We immerse the audience in the action. It’s great entertainment for the entire family.”  The play incorporates authentic weapons and costumes.
“Liberty Mountain” opens on Friday, June 24, with performances on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays through Sunday, July 17. Fridays and Saturdays have 7:30 p.m. performances. Matinee performances on Saturdays and Sundays begin at 3:00 p.m. Monday, July 4 will have a matinee only at 3:00 p.m. The box office opens 1 hour before each performance. Tickets are available online, by phone, 704-730-9408, or at the box office for walk-ups.
Come 30-minutes early to attend our educational weapons display and other activities or stay after the show to “Meet the Cast” for autographs and photos. Adding to your “revolutionary” experience is a display of Revolutionary War historical portraits by renowned artist, Thomas Kelly Pauley.
Liberty Mountain is produced by Kings Mountain Little Theatre, Inc. with Gilbert and Jancy Patrick as the Presenting Sponsor and is also funded in part by a grant from the Kings Mountain Tourism Development Authority. Questions should be directed to or call the box office at 704-730-9408.

No-cost dental and medical
clinic screening June 25

On June 25, the North Carolina Baptist Men and Elizabeth Baptist Church will be providing a no-cost dental and medical clinic screening. This service is to be conducted by application only and will be held at Elizabeth Baptist Church, 301 N. Post Rd. in Shelby.
There is limited availability, thus having an application does not guarantee an appointment. Applications must be submitted by 12 p.m. on June 17.
The link to the application may be found by visiting https://files.constantcontact.

Helping home births and assisting with baby formula shortage

Women representing the March of Dimes movement visited Sen. Ted Alexander’s office last week. “We had a long and thoughtful discussion regarding how the March of Dimes is helping to relieve stress on our hospitals and their staff through the promotion of doulas,” said Senator Alexander.
A doula acts as a mediator between patients and hospitals. They help conduct childbirth at home for low/middle risk pregnancies. These doulas will be certified and are trained in case of pregnancy complications. This allows doctors and medical staff to focus on high-risk pregnancies.
The March of Dimes is promoting community milk banks which may help to alleviate national baby formula shortages. Angela Malloy, third from left, runs the only community milk bank in our state, located in Cumberland County.

Tickets on sale now for Cleveland County Music Hall of Fame’s inaugural Induction Ceremony

Induction Ceremony to be held
Sept. 17, 2022 at the

Don Gibson Theatre

The Cleveland County Music Hall of Fame in partnership with the Don Gibson Theatre invite you to join them Saturday, September 17, as they induct their first class of musical pioneers into the Hall of Fame.
Tickets are now on sale for this event by visiting the box office at the Don Gibson Theatre, ordering by phone at 704.487.8114 or purchasing online at The Don Gibson Theatre is located at 318 Washington Street, Shelby.
Earl Scruggs and Don Gibson, both natives of Shelby, highlight the first class. Joining Scruggs and Gibson are, legendary disc jockey Hugh Dover, who worked at both local stations WOHS in Shelby and WKMT in Kings Mountain, Bobby Rogers, owner of Bobby’s Records and Rogers Theatre, Kings Mountain native and renowned record producer Ron Feemster, and JB and Kathleen Lewis as well as Herman and Jean Dawson, owners of J&K Records.
Also, to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, will be two hit records recorded by artists from Cleveland County. This year, the records will be “I Love the Nightlife” by Alicia Bridges and “Timber I’m Falling in Love” by Patty Loveless.
Musical guests will be on hand to honor the inductees. Dinner will begin at 6:00 pm followed by the ceremony at 7:30pm.
The Cleveland County Music Hall of Fame was established in 2019. The mission of the Hall of Fame is to honor the legacy of pioneers from Cleveland County whose talent has enriched the musical landscape of the area in which they live/lived while giving the tools needed to future generations of musicians to hone their craft. In 2021, Calvin and Teresa Hastings donated the WOHS studios on Hwy 74. In that building, the Hall of Fame plans to house a museum as well as recording studio and a learning center for students, who want to play an instrument.
For more information on the Cleveland County Music Hall of Fame and the induction ceremony itself, contact the Hall at 704-692-5246 or visit their website at You may also visit their Facebook page at @CCMUSICHALL.

Free tennis clinics
at KMHS courts

Veteran tennis coach Ed Guy will hold a summer tennis clinic for beginning and experienced players next week at the KMHS tennis courts. There is no charge but everyone is expected to take four cans of tennis balls.
Dates and times for beginners are Monday and Wednesday from 9 a.m.-12 noon. For experienced players it will be 9-12 on Tuesday and Thursday.
For more information call Coach Guy at 704-473-3608 or email him at

KMHS track and field awards night

​​​​The Kings Mountain High School track and field teams held their awards program Wednesday night.  There were six All-Conference Lady Mountaineers and 11 men.
Pictured with their awards from left to right for the ladies team:  Carly Evans All Conference 4x800, Divinity Ervin All Conference 4x800, 1600, 3200 and MVP Track, Sindy Ulloa  All Conference 4x800, Janiya Hunt All Conference 100m dash and Coach's Award, Thalia Kushman  All Conference 4x800, and Rayna Brown All Conference Pole Vault. Not pictured Alexis Jackson MVP Field.
On the guys side, Max Thompson All Conference 4x800, 800m and Coach's Award, DJ Black All Conference 4x100, 200m, and MVP Track, D'Andrea Hoyle All Conference Long Jump, Triple Jump, and MVP Field, Andre Willis All Conference 110HH, 300 hurdles, and 4x100, Parker Key  All Conference 4x800, 1600, and 3200, and Hunter Cruise  All Conference 4x800.  Not pictured JJ Thurman All Conference 100m and 4x100, Nicholas Harrison All Conference Pole Vault, Alex Jackson  All Conference Shot Put, Zavian Smith  All Conference 4x100, and Isaiah Watts  All Conference 4x800.
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Neisler LEC addition nears completion

By April Shauff
Special To Community First Media

Over the past couple of years, the walls of an enlarged facility for adult daycare have slowly been taking shape on the Kings Mountain Boulevard. In just a few weeks, the construction will come to an end, and a dream that started six years ago will finally be a reality.
“It was in 2016 that our board decided to proceed with a 10,000-square-foot addition to our 14,000-square-foot facility,” says Life Enrichment Center (LEC) Executive Director Toni Camp.
In November of 2019 the Kings Mountain LEC broke ground. Things were going along quite well – for a while.
“Then Covid happened,” says Camp. “What were we to do?”
The need was too great to be ignored, says Camp, and families were struggling more than ever to find relief from the grind of in-home caregiving.
“So we continued with construction,” says Camp. That commitment proved difficult at times during the past two years, but the process is finally nearing completion.
With locations in Shelby and Kings Mountain, the LEC offers adult day care services to the aging population as well as younger adults with physical and developmental disabilities.
When it opened in 2004, the Kings Mountain location served six participants. By the time the renovation was approved, it was serving 65 participants a day with a growing waitlist.
“There were just so many families who needed our services,” says Camp.
The LEC got its start in 1980 in a Sunday school room at John Knox Presbyterian Church, and it grew from there.
The first center, located in Shelby, was built in 1995, and was eventually replaced by a new, 25,000-square-foot facility in 2011.
The new addition will allow the Kings Mountain facility to echo the Shelby location’s ability to serve younger and older adults in different areas of the same facility.
The calendar at both LECs keeps participants busy with activities like horticulture, talent shows, cooking and music therapy.
Sara Renner knows first-hand how amazingly helpful the LEC’s services can be. Her 22-year-old daughter, Mary, has been a participant at the Kings Mountain facility for more than two years.
“I just love the staff there – I can’t say enough wonderful things about them,” says Sara Renner. “They provide so many activities – it has allowed Mary to develop her skills and keeps her active and happy. Many times she doesn’t even want to come home!”
The enlarged Kings Mountain LEC is located at 222 Kings Mountain Boulevard, and the Shelby LEC is located at 110 Life Enrichment Center Boulevard. For more information about either of the LEC locations, visit the organization’s website at

City of Kings Mountain Memorial Day Observance

The City of Kings Mountain held their annual Memorial Day Observance on Monday, May 30 at Mountain Rest Cemetery.

Photos by Gary Smart

KMHM Annual Reverse Raffle and Auctions Sept. 17

Be a part of the development of Kings Mountain Historical Museum! Please support the museum during this time to help us with our fundraising efforts! Proceeds go toward the everyday operations of the museum.
Kings Mountain Historical Museum is located in the heart of the historic City of Kings Mountain. They collect, preserve, and interpret original historical resources that help foster a deeper understanding of the unique history and cultural identity of Kings Mountain and the surrounding area.
Last year, over 2,000 local and out-of-town visitors benefited from the educational exhibits, programs, and services offered by the Museum at no cost to the public. As our visitation and museum collections continue to steadily increase, so do our funding needs. We would love for you to be a part of it!
Every September, Kings Mountain Historical Museum hosts a fundraiser to generate revenue necessary to support our programming. The Annual Reverse Raffle and Auctions has been acclaimed the “best event of the year in Kings Mountain” and this 19th annual fundraiser will be held in-person at the Joy Performance Center.
They hope you will join them for this event, held on September 17 and anticipate a sold-out event with 300 tickets bought by individuals throughout the region. They we offer a Grand Prize of $10,000.
With only 300 tickets, you have a 1 in 300 chance to win!!! Unique auction items and great raffle prizes are also offered!
Tickets can be purchased online and at the museum, or from board members after June 1st, Tuesday-Friday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., or you can call the museum at 704-739-1019 and purchase right over the phone.
Each ticket is $125 providing entry for two People, food, and drinks. It also includes a 1 in 300 chance of winning the $10,000 Raffle Prize, along with other raffle items.
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Amy Brooks

Pinnacle Classical Academy 
student named to State 
Superintendent's Advisory Council

Amy Brooks, a junior at Pinnacle Classical Academy, has been named to the North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC).
The daughter of Derrick and Angela Brooks of Earl, Amy is Pinnacle Classical Academy's Student Government Association Communications Coordinator, a member of National Honor Society, and a member of Spiritual Soaring Ministries, a student Christian organization.
“Today’s students are tomorrow’s future,” said North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction Catherine Truitt, “and if we are going to keep them at the center of every decision, we need to ensure they have an opportunity to directly share feedback, provide recommendations, and give perspective on our state’s education system. I am thrilled to have such an impressive group of students convened as members of the Student Advisory Council, and I look forward to seeing the proposals they put forth.”
The Department of Public Instruction said that the SSAC is a strong and diverse group composed of 12 high school students from across the state’s eight education regions, with eight juniors and four seniors. The two-year appointment to the SSAC provides student advisors the opportunity to meet twice per month to discuss education issues affecting students, advocate on behalf of their peers and ultimately advise decision makers in state public education.
During their service, Amy Brooks and the other student advisors will develop two proposals for the state Superintendent’s Office and the State Board of Education to address issues that the students would like to see changed, either through policy or legislation. SSAC advisors have the opportunity not only to share their perspectives as current students but also to provide invaluable insight to state leaders on how to make positive changes within North Carolina’s education system.
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KMPD Congratulates Lt. Lance Hamrick

Chief Proctor congratulates Lt. Lance Hamrick, left, for completion of the NC Justice Academy Leadership Certificate Program

Photo provided by KMPD
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Appreciation to Library

Davidson Association-Wise Committee presented the KM Memorial Library with an appreciation goodie basket. Members from left Jeannie Curry, Wenella Smith, Katherine Hardy Pendergrass, Geraldine Dye, and Valerie Boyd with Library Assistants - Briana Reed and Jonathan Chapman.

(Photo provided)

KMHS National Beta Club Induction Ceremony

Kings Mountain High School held their Beta Club Induction and Cord Ceremony on April 7.
Principal Dustin Morehead and Club Sponsor Jamey Croft welcomed those in attendance. Additional club sponsors are Shelby Myers and Nick Inman.
Jonah Patrick, Club President, shared the purpose and objectives of the Beta Club prior to sophomores being presented with their certificates.
Megan Carley, Club Vice-President presented certificates to Sophomores Manoah Allen, Mary Hogue, Jessie Ozmore, Anthony Anselmo, Corey Houser, Kendall Parker, NyAdria Beam-Phillips, Chloe Hudson, Addison Peeler, Branson Bouchard, Ja'Niya Hunt, Kenia Perez, Melissa Brooks, Olivia Hunt, James Petrilli, Coby Brown, Kaylee Jackson, Zachary Propst, Ellery Bryant, Zachary Johnson, Elijah Reynolds, Tucker Cash, Thalia Kushman, Matthew Rikard, Ally Cobb, Hailey Lawson, Jayden Smith, Reed Cooper, Sanaa Littlejohn, Meile Songaila, Adam Cox, Isabel Marten, Alberto Soto Uribe, Hunter Cruise, Alli Martin, Callie Stimpson, Paxton Davis, Colton Mayes, Mariana Thomasson, Bela Edmonson, Caleb McComas, Desirae Thombs, Rebecca Foy, Christina Merchant, Mason Weaver, Madden Green, Jaidyn Moses, Lisa Welborn, Chance Habel, Caroline Moss, Emani Williams, Elliot Habel, Grayson Murphy, Lindsey Wilson, Seanna Haynes, Melia Myers, and Parker Wilson.
    Sally Ozmore, Club Secretary, presented certificates to juniors. Those recipients included Logan Cook, Austyn Dixon, Layla Evans, Garrett Freeman, Kevin Garcia-Diaz, Ashley Gural, James Hetland, Nicholas Horn, Trace Phillips, Makalyn Rikard, Angela Sanchez, Taylor Smith, and Lawren Thomas.
Jonah Patrick presented certificates and honor cords to Seniors. Senior inductees included Trinity Pearson and Hannah Queen. Honor cords were given to Angel Aguado, Mariah Finger, Sally Ozmore, David Aleman, Peyton Fisher, Abigail Parsons, Mark Allen, Lily Gold, Jonah Patrick, Natalie Anthony, Jada Goode, Mark Petrilli, Mary Bearfield, Brittaney Hammett, Avery Philbeck, Michelle Bedoya, Nicholas Harrison, Danielle Pillado, Kofi Boakye, Cheyenne Huffman, Karissa Poteet, Kaylee Boatman, Ethan Humphries, Trinity Price, Baylee Briggs, Jacie Jarvis, Cooper Putnam, Evan Briggs, BreAnn Jenkins, Aydin Roper, Kalin Brooks, Kohen Johnson, Tyler Silaphet, Jathan Callahan, Parker Key, Tyler Smith, Carly Dechant, Emma Laughter, Rachel Whitaker, Macey Deering, Kendall Leonhardt, Saniya Wilson, Ryan Dixon. Caleb Martin, Ashlyn Wood, Aliza Edmonson, Charles Melton, Sage Wright, Kaemon Edmonson, Madeline Nolen, Shaniah Wright, Brooke Ferree, Joshua O'Dell, and Aleiyah Yarbro.
Evan Briggs, Club Treasurer, presented honor cords to senior members and Jamey Croft inducted National Beta Club members.
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Stephanie Hopper

Hopper named one of KMHS’ employees-of-the-month

 Kings Mountain High School Custodian, Stephanie Hopper was selected as one of KMHS’ March Employees of the Month for March. According to the schools’ Facebook page, “Stephanie is the person who puts everyone else before herself. She always has a smile on her face, she cares about what she does, and she is always working extremely hard.”
The post continues, “In addition to her hard work, she is constantly asking what she can do for you, and she is never upset or thrown off when something is needed quickly. She is an asset to our school because of her positive attitude, her strong work ethic, and her love for people. Congratulations, Mrs. Hopper.”
Hopper received a Walmart gift card, KMHS travel mug, commemorative certificate, and Papa John's coupons.
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April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Recognizing the importance of caring connections, supportive environments and positive experiences for all children and families, Governor Roy Cooper declared April as Child Abuse Prevention Month in North Carolina.
“Our children are precious and deserve to be nurtured and protected. It’s important that we build a strong foundation for them so that they can learn, play and grow,” said Governor Roy Cooper in a video message. “We’re doing more to wrap services around the whole family. When we work together to support our children and families in every corner of our state, we can build a strong future for all.”
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina recognize everyone has a stake in prioritizing equal opportunities for every child from each community in the state to build a more prosperous future for all during Child Abuse Prevention Month in April.
“April is a time for North Carolinians step up and help to build caring connections, supportive environments and positive experiences for all children and families,” said NCDHHS Sec. Kody Kinsley. “Child and family well-being is one of DHHS’ top priorities, to make sure every child in North Carolina grows up safe, healthy, and thriving in a nurturing and resilient community.”
April 2022 marks the third year CAP Month occurs during the COVID-19 pandemic. While metrics are improving, many North Carolina families continue to find themselves under great stress that can lead to significant increases in the risk of child maltreatment. COVID-19 has added stressors that can overload parents and caregivers, such as loss of employment, loss of income due to lack of paid leave, changing child care and schooling arrangements, and food insecurity.
While children and families are facing unprecedented stress during the pandemic, child maltreatment is preventable. There are programs,
strategies and policies proven to strengthen families so they can address their basic needs and better care for their children.
“Research shows that positive childhood experiences and caring connections grow thriving families and communities,” said Sharon Hirsch, PCANC President & CEO. “While every season is a new opportunity to build sturdy foundations for children, this Child Abuse Prevention Month is an opportunity to redefine how our policies, systems and communities propel children into becoming healthy, thriving members of their community, and reaching their full potential. Please join us in prioritizing safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for children, allowing families and entire communities to succeed — today and for generations to come.”
   For more information on Child Abuse Prevention Month, including a toolkit with customized resources for school counselors, faith communities and early care and education providers, please visit
   Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina ensures that child maltreatment prevention is a priority for North Carolina and all communities have the knowledge, support, and resources to prevent child abuse and neglect. Through collaboration with partners across North Carolina, PCANC works with communities to build safe, stable, nurturing relationships for all children. PCANC is the North Carolina chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America. PCANC is a proud recipient of Charity Navigator’s prestigious 4-star rating and GuideStar’s Platinum Seal of Transparency.

KMHS Ukraine Fundraiser 

By Sharon Lease
KMHS Current Events 

When a teacher is tasked with teaching Current Events, that teacher is really able to decide  “how” to teach it.. Looking ahead from the fall semester, I was devising my plan on what was  coming up in the news: the Olympics would be starting in February, March Madness was coming  up, of course local news from within Kings Mountain and Cleveland County, and whatever else  may arise.  There was talk on the national news about Russia and Ukraine, but at the beginning  of the semester in January, no one really knew what would become of this “talk”.
Every day, every student is to speak a current event in class.  Many students were bringing the  conflict between Russia and Ukraine as their current event to share.  Then, it happened.  On  Thursday, February 24th, Russia invaded Ukraine.  My students literally were interrupting each  other trying to be the first one to tell the class what Russia had done.  It became a daily news  story ever since.
One day, the Freshman Academy Director, Liza Dellinger told me that there was a bulletin board  not being used in the main school building and asked if my current events class would like to use  it.  Everything escalated from there. As a class, my students decided that we should start a  fundraiser for the Ukrainian Refugees.  We started to really plan this out in class to get a good  idea of what this might look like.  I reached out to our school principal, Dr. Morehead, and he  gave my current events class permission to head this.  At the same time, other clubs had the same  idea.  The Math Club, and the SPO Club have been helping our current events class to get the  word out to the students.
 The current events class wrote a daily announcement, created posters, and created a bulletin  board promoting this fundraiser.  Every Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours during lunch, my  current events students sit in the cafeteria and collect the money.  We will be collecting this money through April 14th.  After the first week, we have raised $225, and our goal is to raise at  least $1000 by the 14th of April.
For more information about the KMHS fundraiser for Ukraine, contact Sharon Lease at
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Amish Wash Day by Dianne Garner

Southern Arts Society
April events in full swing

​​​By Jewel Reavis

Activities are in full swing at the Southern Arts Society. You do not have to be a member of SASi to visit or attend programs. All programs are free unless stated otherwise.
SASi First Tuesday Program: April’s meeting has already passed, but the first Tuesday of the month is always interesting. This month’s meeting was about the Verdaccio Technique with Portraits – Artist Carolyn Parrish demonstrated the evolution of underpainting a portrait using the Verdaccio technique.
The Verdaccio palette uses black, white, and oxide of chromium green. The goal is to achieve nine values comparative to the grayscale. The advantage to the Verdaccio vs grisaille is that the green tones enrich skin tone (green as a compliment to blood rich skin). Attendees will try their hand at mixing the nine values. Carolyn’s program is an introduction for a future workshop. Come meet Carolyn! Doors open at 6:30 p.m., demo begins at 7 p.m. This is a Free Program.
Shutter Light Photography Group: Apr 19 – NEW MEETING DATE. Beginning in March the photography group began meeting on the third Tuesday at 6:30 pm monthly; Time: 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. for social and 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. for the meeting. Raymond Beck will lead Beginner’s Corner. New and old photographers will enjoy getting back to the basics of photography. All levels of experience are welcome.
Color Pencil Group Meeting: Apr 28 – Thursday – Anyone with a desire to learn more about color pencil is welcome to attend these meetings. All levels of artists are welcome, no prior experience necessary. Meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to bring something to work on, and feel free to share any product, resource or other info that may be beneficial to the group.
Thursday Morning Open Studio Sessions: Apr 7, 14, 21, 28 – Open Studio Sessions every Thursday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., or longer. Bring your current art project – painting, pastels, colored pencil, knit or crochet, etc., to work on. Fiber artists are welcome to join this group. No instruction — just time to create on your own and enjoy fellowship with other artists. Led by artist Darlene Godfrey. Feel free to stay all day!
Classes at SASi: 
•  Workshops require pre-registration and payment to reserve your seat. To register, call 704-739-5585. Visit SASi in person or see their website for a detailed class description and supply list.
•  Mixed Media 2 Day Workshop with Dianne Garner Saturday, April 23 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Sunday, April 24 from 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 pm. In this class Dianne will share collage techniques learned in a recent class taken at the John C. Campbell Folk School. You will learn to stitch through the canvas and use transfers onto packing tape and cloth to be stitched on. You will also use a Gelli Arts plate to print papers and make your own paste papers to add to your collage. Dianne will show you how to make transfers on packing tape.
•  Painting on Yupo 2 Day Workshop with Dianne Garner Saturday, May 21 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Sunday, May 22 from 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Dianne will teach techniques learned from a workshop taken with Fred Graff. In this class you will learn Composition, Positive/Negative, Impact, and Two types of under-glazing – abstract and controlled. Dianne will cover Tangent Lines, Happy Endings, Perspective, and Center of Interest. Dianne will share techniques demonstrated by Fred Graff as he paints on Yupo.
   Southern Arts Society (SASi) Gift Shop & Gallery is located at 301 N. Piedmont Ave. at the intersection of Piedmont and Battleground Avenues in the historic Southern Railway Depot. SASi offers a gift shop, ongoing art exhibitions and competitions, programs, and classes in a variety of media for artists of all levels. Gallery Hours:  Tues through Sat, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and by Appointment. Admission is Free. The public is asked to wear a mask when visiting. For more information visit their website at or call 704.739.5585. Email
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Way to go, Joe!

If you happen to see Mr. Joe Brown riding on the Gateway Trail, say “hello.” Mr. Brown had some serious heart issues and was scheduled to have heart surgery. His Dr. suggested that he get out and exercise. Not in a shape to run, he chose to purchase an eBike and has been consistently riding at the Gateway Trail. After several months, Mr. Brown's Dr. is amazed that his heart has started healing itself and he no longer needs surgery.

By Starr Dowell/ Photo by Shirley Brutko

Highway Patrol announces Operation Drive to Live

With many schools celebrating prom season, and in conjunction with national Distracted Driving Awareness Month, the State Highway Patrol is conducting Operation Drive to Live. This annual campaign is aimed at reducing collisions involving teen drivers on our roadways. Beginning Monday, April 4, and going through Friday, April 8, troopers will step up their enforcement efforts in and around school zones between 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day.
According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, young drivers are significantly over-represented in fatal crashes. Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers in America and in North Carolina. Engaging in risky driving behaviors combined with inexperience are primary factors contributing to fatal crashes by young drivers, especially during the first six months of driving. Mile for mile, teenagers are involved in three times as many fatal crashes than all other drivers. Two common errors accounting for nearly half of the crashes involving teen drivers are speeding and driving while distracted.
In 2021, the State Highway Patrol investigated over 32,915 motor vehicle collisions involving young drivers and passengers. Of those collisions, 8,498 injuries were reported and 124 resulted in one or more fatalities.
“Teen drivers face a great responsibility when getting behind the wheel of a vehicle, we must be committed to ensuring they have the tools, resources and knowledge needed to stay safe on our roadways,” said Colonel Freddy Johnson, Jr., commander of the State Highway Patrol. “The choices they will face, along with the consequences of making a poor choice are important conversations we must have with young drivers as parents, educators and law enforcement professionals.”
During the week-long campaign troopers will focus on enforcement, but equally important they will conduct educational initiatives throughout schools, at community events and in driver education courses. Parents and caregivers will hopefully use the campaign as a catalyst to discuss safe driving with their young drivers especially as the forthcoming summer months are considered the deadliest time for collisions involving teens. 

East Gold St. Wesleyan Easter Egg Hunt April 16

East Gold Street Wesleyan Church will hold an Easter Egg Hunt on  Saturday, April 16, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Come and join them for a fun Easter-rific afternoon! There will be lots of fun for all ages. There will be a bouncy house, games, tattoos, face painting, a kid friendly Easter story and an Easter egg hunt for all kids up to 5th grade.
A bagged hot dog lunch will be served until they run out. Please come and join in the fun as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. The church is located at 701 E. Gold St., Kings Mountain.
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James Welsh made his school proud by bringing home the second-place trophy in the Spelling Bee.

North School student places second in county Spelling Bee

James Welsh, fourth grader in Mr. Hamrick's class, represented North Elementary School well in the County Spelling Bee.
He placed second on the competition. Students watched the live feed from their classrooms and cheered James on all the way.
James was greeted at North to a hallway full of staff and students clapping and cheering his name. “We are so proud of James,” said Teacher Assistant Anna Hughes.

Friends of Crowders Mtn. hike planned

By Loretta Cozart

On March 15, the Sunshine Protection Act passed the U.S. Senate, with amendment, by unanimous voice vote. The bill was then sent to the U.S. House of Representatives for their consideration.
If passed by both chambers of Congress, this bill makes daylight saving time the new, permanent standard time, effective November 5, 2023. The amendment added also provides that states with areas exempt from daylight saving time currently may choose the standard time for those areas.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi voiced her personal support of doing away with daylight saving time but added that that discussion would have to occur with their caucus and Congress.
Due to the war in Ukraine, it is uncertain how long it will take for such legislation to be brought before the U.S. House. Even if the Bill were passed, it would not go into practice until November 2023.
Daylight Savings Time was introduced in the United States in 1918, during WWI, when Germany used the technique to save energy during the war. The practice went into place again in the 1960s and has continued since in many states. During WWII, Daylight Savings Time was adopted year-round and was again in 1973 during the oil embargo. It was later repealed.
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Tiana Roberts

Girl Talk Ministry holds
prom dress program with CCS

By Loretta Cozart

Last Fall, Tiana Roberts started Girl Talk Ministry, a program that allows minority girls to discuss everyday life challenges and empower one another on ways to rise above adversities. The program allows adolescent girls to transform their mind and enhance a better life through Christ.
We caught up with Tiana last weekend to learn about a new event she is facilitating with Cleveland County Schools. Tiana told the Herald, “Whenever you follow His will for your life, He will make sure what you need will come to you, or that you are attracted to people you need in order to fulfill the calling He has for you.”
Recently, she became reacquainted with a person she had known years before, a woman who had her own organization. Due to COVID, that woman’s path changed. The two exchanged numbers and went on their way. Months later, the woman called saying she had 20 prom dresses she needed to give away.
Tiana thought, “What am I going to do with 20 prom dresses?” So, she reached out to counselors at Kings Mountain High School for suggestions. When she did not hear back, she reached out to counselors at Shelby High School who suggested she sponsor an event. She discussed the idea with the clinical supervisor for her licensure who suggested she use the event to broach other important topics like safety recommendations and etiquette. “By the grace of God, everyone was in my ear at that moment,” Tiana said.
But she did not stop with just 20 dresses. She posted a flyer on social media, and before she knew it, people started donating. Eventually she collected over 90 dresses. And Quickway Cleaners in Gastonia agreed to deep clean the dresses.
This year, four schools are involved in the program: Kings Mountain High School, Cleveland County Early College High School, Crest High School, and Shelby High School. Burns was already partnering with another group and plans to participate next year. Each school identifies the girls who participate in the program and the program for this year is full.
The first event will be held Saturday, March 26 at the Cleveland County Chamber, from 11 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. for Crest and Shelby. The second event will be held on April 9 from 10 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. at Vestibule A.M.E. Zion Church for Kings Mountain and Cleveland County Early College. The girls come in groups of six in half-hour intervals and get one-on-one attention in choosing their dresses.
The joy could be seen on Tiana’s face when she said, “It is every girl’s dream to go to prom and be cute and experience those memories. It is amazing just being able to let them shine for that moment and allow them to feel loved and be seen. I am excited to give back and bless someone who needs it and I give God all the glory!”

Shelby mayor speaks
at chamber luncheon

By Loretta Cozart

City of Shelby Mayor Stan Anthony brought members the State of the City address in his half-hour presentation to the Cleveland County Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, March 16 at 11:30 a.m. at the Earl Scruggs Center in Shelby.
Executive Director of the Earl Scruggs Center Mary Beth Martin welcomed guests to the host venue, followed by remarks given by paying sponsor Damon Scott. Members gathered for networking until 12:15, when lunch was served.
The monthly chamber meeting affords members the opportunity to network, meet new members, and gain knowledge from speakers on current issues that are important to the business community.
Other chamber events throughout the month includes an Ambassador’s Meeting, a Membership Matters for new members, an Ambassador Mixer, Lunch and Learn on pertinent topics, and a Business After Hours event.
The first Friday of the month, in partnership with NC Works, the chamber also sponsors a Career Cafe. Chamber members receive a table for display, collateral for employment inquiries at no charge, and provides a private office for interviews.
For more information about chamber activities or membership, call 704-487-8521.
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American Legion Auxiliary
to hold craft and vendor show

By Loretta Cozart

American Legion Unit 155 announced their Spring Fling Craft and Vendor show scheduled for Saturday, April 2 from noon until 7 p.m. and the Post at 613 E. Gold Street in Kings Mountain. More than 25 local vendors have already signed-up and all spaces have been filled. Come support local veterans and artists. Concessions will be available for the event.
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Girls Who Code
program at the library

By Loretta Cozart

Mauney Memorial Library announced a coding program for girls, called Girls Who Code, beginning on Thursdays and Fridays, starting on April 28 from 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. at the library. Girls Who Code is a free six-week program for students to join a sisterhood of supportive peers and role models using computer science to change the world.
Learn the concepts of loops, variables, conditionals, and functions that form the basis of all programming languages in a safe and supportive environment over this six-week course.
There are two programs by age: Thursdays for girls in grades 3 – 5. A second program will be held on Fridays for girls in grades 6 – 12.
Girls in 3rd - 5th grades will meet on April 28, May 5, 12, 19, 26, and June 2. Girls in 6th – 12th grades meet Friday, April 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27, and June 3.
Registration is required, and space is available, so register today to save your seat for this unique program for girls!

Read Across America Week at North School

By Anna Hughes

North Elementary School in Kings Mountain had an awesome Read Across America Week. They celebrated reading by having a spirit week that went along with five book themes that included Reading Jogs the Mind, Surfs up for Reading, Western Wednesday, Pawsitively Wild about Reading, and Freedom Friday (Red, White, and Blue).
Staff was thrilled to have seventeen guest readers on campus to read books to the students that went along with the theme of the day. Our students were excited to have different community partners join us for a wonderful week of celebrating reading.
The readers included Officer Peeler - KM Officer and SRO, Sarah Lee Owensby - 96.9 the Kat, NYC Tree Girls, David Allen - SHS Principal (North principal's husband), Melissa Ploeger - Former North Guidance Counselor, Dr. Bruce Mack - Husband of Kindergarten teacher at North, Noah Allen - KM Fire Department, John William Eagle - Former North Student/KMHS Junior, Dr. Carrie Carpenter - Optometrist with guide dog in training...Reilly, Larry Sprinkle - WCNC News Weatherman, AJ Richardson - Former North Student/KMHS Junior, Lisa Proctor - KM Police Chief, Melissa Wilson - KMHS Assistant Principal, Former North Student, Current North Mom, Sherry Jones - Former North Lunch Lady, Taylor McSwain - Former North Student/KMHS Junior, and Dr. Greg Grier - husband of CTC at North.
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Mauney Memorial Library
activities this week

By Loretta Cozart

A variety of activities are being offered between March 16 – 23, at Mauney Memorial Library from Cricut for Beginners, to Lego Club, to Marvelous Monograms, along with Storytimes with Miss Anne.
Cricut basics for the absolute Beginner will be held Wednesday, March 16, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Community Room. Learn the basics of using a Cricut cutting machine and make a simple craft using Cricut Design Space. This class is reserved for those with no prior Cricut experience. Registration is required but is currently full. A waitlist is available.
Drop-in computer lab business workshop is available every Thursday from noon to 4:00 p.m. Drop in personalized help with any technology questions you may have.
Lego Club is held the third Thursday of every month at 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for fun group projects, free build time, and snacks! Children ages 6 – 12 years are welcome.
Marvelous Monograms will be held on Friday, March 18 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Registration is required, but is currently full. However, a waitlist is available. Make beautiful monograms using the library's Cricut cutting machines in this fun two-hour class. All materials are provided.
Zoom Storytime with Miss Anne is held on Tuesday and Thursday at 10:30 a.m. via Zoom. Follow along with stories and songs from the comfort of your own home. Preschool, ages 0 – 5 are welcome. Registration is required.
Bedtime Storytime via Zoom is available the fourth Tuesday of every month from 7:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Preschool, ages 0 – 5 are welcome. Registration required.
Mauney Memorial Library is at 100 S. Piedmont Avenue in Kings Mountain. For more information, call 704-739-2371.
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Pictured left to right, Ms. Sarah Sherrill was chosen as North School’s Teacher of the Year and Ms. Malisa Littlejohn is their Teacher Assistant of the Year. Photo by Anna Hughes

North School honors staff

North Elementary School in Kings Mountain announced that Ms. Sarah Sherrill is the school’s 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year and Ms. Malisa Littlejohn is the Teacher Assistant of the Year.
Ms. Sherill graduated from Gardner Webb University in 2015 with a Bachelor's in Elementary Education. She has been working in education for seven years and six of those years have been at North School. She is a third-grade teacher.
   Ms. Littlejohn has a Medical Office Degree from Cleveland Community College. In 2006 she became a substitute at North Shelby School. In 2015, she became a full time Teacher Assistant. She moved to North Elementary as the EC Teacher Assistant in 2016. She also drives the morning bus route for KMMS and an afternoon route for North.
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Small Business Startup:
Ready, Set, Go!

Do you have a great business idea, but you aren’t sure if you are ready to start your own business? Join Cleveland Community College Small Business Center on Tuesday, April 12, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. featuring speaker(s): Eileen Joyce in an online session to learn about legal and licensing requirements, creating a business plan, options for securing financing, marketing and the perks and challenges of operating a small business.
You’ll walk away with the:
• Basics of business startup so you’re READY
• Essentials of becoming credit-ready and be SET
• Resources available in the community to help you to GO!
Cleveland Community College Small Business Center is in The LeGrand Center, 1800 East Marion Street, Shelby. Twenty-seven seats are available for this workshop. To register, visit their website at

Friends of Crowders Mountain
to host hike, April 23 

The Friends of Crowders Mountain will host a 3 parks, 2 states loop hike on Saturday, April 23. Limited to 20 hikers.
Registration is required by Friday, April 22. This is an intermediate level 10-mile hike.  No pets. Meet at the Boulders Access, 108 VanDyke Road, Kings Mountain, NC at 8:45 a.m.  Boots On The Trail at 9 a.m.  Approximate return is 1 p.m.  No transportation nor lunch provided.  Please bring sufficient food and water, along with any medications, sunscreen, and insect repellant that you may need.  Restrooms at Start and Finish only.  Hike is weather dependent.  Donations appreciated.  Register by contacting the main visitor center at 704-853-5375.  Please see or
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Pictured left to right, Stephanie Hinson and Valerie Boyd who were the 2021 recipients of two awards at the NC DKG Virtual Convention last year. Photo provided

Delta Tau news

Stephanie Hinson and Valerie Boyd were the 2021 recipients of two awards at the NC DKG Virtual Convention last year. Delta Kappa Gamma is an organization of key women educators. Stephanie and Valerie are members of Delta Tau Chapter in Cleveland County.
   Stephanie was recognized for the Rising Star Award that honors five members across the state who in their early years of members reflect strong potential of leadership at the chapter and state levels.
   Valerie was recognized for being one of the members who continually work behind the scenes and contribute to the chapter and the state. One member per region is selected for this prestigious award.
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Pictured left to right: Madam Johnsie R Brevard, Tabitha Thomas, Karen Grigg, Glenda Tate Williams, Annie Blanton, Lynn Patterson, Gary Pearson, Karen Richardson, Barbara McCall, and Deborah Oates. Photo provided

Leaving a Legacy Sr. Project held at Patrick Senior Center

Madam Johnsie R. Brevard, founder CEO of Neighbor 2 Neighbor Foundation, Inc. / Historical Societies, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, recently sponsored the Leaving a Legacy Senior Project at the Patrick Senior Center in Kings Mountain during the month of February.
The organization’s mission is to promote the importance of preparing an accurate written record of family roots and to pass on to younger generations photos, relevant information, stories of sacrifices, and the contributions of their ancestors. “We believe it will save and enhance the youth lives,” said Madam Johnsie R. Brevard.
Neighbor 2 Neighbor Foundation, Inc / Historical Societies thanks Walmart Supercenter #1034 in Shelby’s General Manager David Thomas for all the materials, instructor, and researching. The Patrick Senior Center provided the location and the supportive services. Ancestry Partnership provided the services so Madam Johnsie R Brevard could research the participants family Roots. “Neighbor 2 Neighbor Foundation, Inc., would like to thank each of the partners for investing in the lives of our seniors,” Brevard said. “We believe seniors can still make great contributions to today’s society!”
The participants of Leaving a Legacy Senior Project were excited to receive priceless information and photos to pass on to their younger generations.
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March Library news

By Mari Slaughter
   Mauney Library has many more programs than what are listed below. Follow us on our website. Classes and programs fill up fast. Registration is required for many of our calendar events. We would hate for you to miss out!
Zoom Storytime with Miss Anne - Follow along with stories and songs from the comfort of your home. Register: event calendar. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30-11:00 am. Event URL will be sent via registration email. Ages: preschoolers
Library Storytime in Person - Come to the library to enjoy a story and sing songs with Miss. Anne, then take home a fun craft! Register by going to URL: event calenda. Fridays, 10:30-11:00 am. Mauney Library Community Room. Ages: preschoolers
Drop-In Computer Lab for personalized help with any technology questions you may have. Thursdays, Noon – 4 pm. Carolina Room at Mauney Library. This project is made possible by funding from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (IMLS grant number LS-250229-OLS-21).
Cricut Basics for the Absolute Beginner - Learn the basics of using a Cricut cutting machine and make a simple craft using Cricut Design Space. This class is reserved for those with no prior experience. Registration Required. Wednesday, March 16, 10-12 pm Mauney Library Community Room. Ages: Adults
Lego Club - Free build and participate in group projects, snacks provided. Third Thursday of every month, 3:30 – 4:30 pm. Library Community Room Ages: 6-12 years old
Zoom Bedtime Storytime - Join event by typing in URL: Fourth Tuesday of every month. 7:30 pm.
A Company of Readers Book Club - Meet with other book club lovers to discuss what you have been reading for the month. This is a unique group. There is not a designated read. Monday, March 28th, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, Mauney Library Community Room Ages: Adults.
 Mauney Memorial Library is located at 100 S. Piedmont Avenue, Kings Mountain, NC 28086.
  For the latest in library news and events, visit     
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Patrick Senior Center March events

   Classes/Activities open to age 55 and up unless otherwise noted. Participants are asked to follow any COVID restrictions in place including masking and social distancing.
Special Events in March: 
Steps to Health-Take Control:  Wednesdays, March 2, 16, 23, and 30, 10:00-11:00am
Shred Truck:  Wednesday, March 2 (bring shredding to center up to a week before)
Disaster Preparedness Presentation (Zoom Available):  Wednesday, March 9, 10:00-11:00am
St. Patrick’s Day Bingo: Thursday, March 17, 10:00-11:15am
Will Clinic by NC Legal Aid: Monday, March 21, 9:00am-3:00pm (appointment required)
Art Night with Tammy:  Tuesday, March 22, 5:30-7:30pm (ages 16+, registration and fee required; open to any age)
Trip to Jenny Do Nails:  Monday, March 28, 8:30am-12:30pm (registration and fee required)
Craft Class with Hospice of Cleveland County:  Tuesday, March 29, 11:00am-12:00pm
AARP Defensive Driving Class:  Wednesday, March 30, 9:00am-1:00pm (registration and fee required)
Ongoing Activities at the Patrick Center:
Ceramics:  Mondays, 9:30-10:30am
Facebook Chat:  Mondays, 10:00-10:45am
Color Me Calm:  Mondays, 10:00-11:00am
Quilting:  Mondays, 12:30-3:00pm
Beginner Quilting: Thursdays, 1:00-3:00pm
Intermediate Line Dance (Dance Floor Rockers): Mondays, 1:00-3:00pm
Intermediate Line Dance (Southern Class): Thursdays, 10:00-11:30am
Smartphone Clinic:  2nd Monday, 10:00-11:00am
Knitting:  Tuesdays, 8:30-10:30am
Gardner-Webb Nursing Students Wellness Talk:  Tuesdays, 10:00-10:30am
Gardner-Webb Exercise Science Students: Mondays-Thursdays, 8:30-9:30am (sign-ups recommended)
Bible History:  Tuesdays, 10:00-11:00am
REFIT Dance Exercise:  Tuesdays, 11:00am-12:00pm
Volunteer Meeting:  3rd Tuesday, 12:15-1:15pm
Monthly Birthday Celebration:  4th Tuesday, 10:00-11:00am
Chair Yoga:  Wednesdays, 11:45am-12:45pm (fee required)
Blood Pressure Clinic:  1st Wednesday, 10:00-11:30am
Food Giveaway:  3rd Wednesday, 1:00-2:30pm (registration required)
Caregiver Support Group: 4th Wednesday, 1:00-2:30pm
Healthy Lifestyle Class: Thursdays, 8:00-9:30am
Gentle Exercise: Thursdays, 9:30-10:15am
Bingo: Thursdays, 10:30-11:15am
Coffee & Conversation: Fridays, 8:30-10:00am
Friday Lunch to Go: Fridays, 11:00am-12:00pm (sign up required)
WII Bowling League: Fridays, 12:00-1:00pm
   The Patrick Center is a SHIIP site and can help with Medicare questions and check to see if you qualify for Extra Help with your drug costs.  We also can assist with transportation, loan equipment, incontinence supplies, nutritional supplements, and other services. Please call the center at 704-734-0447 for more information or to sign up for programs.
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Bowling for Dollars is back,
Thursday, March 10

The Cleveland County Arts Council is excited to be able to hold this favorite community event again this year, but it will be a little different.
Here is how it will work:
Purchase your ticket for $20 in advance for a specific 30-minute time slot:
10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.  
12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Come during your reserved time to pick out your bowl, do some pottery shopping if you wish and then pick up your soup.
Lunches will be dine-in or carry-out. There will be  a warm container of soup, crackers, dessert, and beverage for you to take home, back to work, picnic OR you can dine downstairs at the Arts Council.
Please do not arrive too early – you will only be allowed inside during your reserved time.
Tickets are $20 and available at the Arts Council and by phone, 704-484-2787, and must be purchased in advance.
Call 704-484-2787 today to purchase your ticket! We are open Monday – Friday 9:00- 4:00 and Saturdays 10:00 – 2:00.
For more information, call 704-484-2787 or visit

Entrepreneurship Workshop
series for youth, March 19-26

The Cleveland County Library System in partnership with NCWorks WIOA NextGen Youth Program and Cleveland Community College Small Business Center will host a four-session Workshop series on Entrepreneurship for youth between the ages of 14 to 24 years old.
The workshops will be held at the Cleveland County Memorial Library located at 104 Howie Drive, Shelby on four Saturdays: March 19, March 26, April 2 and  April 9, from 11am to 1pm. Light refreshments will be served. There is no cost for these workshops.
The Cleveland County Youth Entrepreneurship Program (CCYEP) will focus on providing an introduction to entrepreneurship, creating a business plan, designing a prototype, and building a prototype using a 3D printer, heat press, and other materials available in the library’s Makerspace.
This four-week workshop series will aim to be an experiential learning opportunity that is designed to provoke young people with thinking “outside the box” strategies to creating useful, marketable, and consumer products.
The main objective of these workshops is to not only give participants a framework for pursuing entrepreneurial ventures, but to give them the tools to construct a viable plan in which they can pursue the opportunity.
During the first two sessions, students will be introduced to the entrepreneurial mindset. During the last two sessions, students will rapidly prototype their own innovations as they learn about different aspects of entrepreneurship from personal branding, leadership, and how to start their own businesses.
At the end of the four-week program, participants will leave with a clear understanding of their own entrepreneurial orientation and the potential gaps that exist between their capabilities and what is needed to be a successful entrepreneurial and leader. They will also be empowered to transfer ideas into business opportunities, which is the core ideal of entrepreneurship.
The Cleveland County Library System and their partners are committed to empowering the youth in Cleveland County in gaining knowledge and capacity in the areas of entrepreneurship, social innovation, and global leadership.
All of the workshops provided will be structured in ways to deliver fun and interactive activities while teaching the participants critical skills and valuable life lessons such as intrinsic motivation, passion, self-esteem, teamwork, and initiative.
All interested youth must register as space is limited. For registration or for more information, call Wright Adams at the Cleveland County Library System at 704-487-9069 or WIOA Youth Case Manager Robin Bamberg at 910-7343339.