Tennis clinics for boys and girls are being held each week until school starts.
Clinics are for beginners and advanced players, including middle school, high school and others.
Clinics will be limited in size so players can have more individual coaching. Players will work in small groups, mid-sized groups, and individually to develop strokes, strategies, conditioning techniques and playing skills.
Clinics are being conducted by Ed Guy, former Kings Mountain High School men’s and women’s tennis coach.
Instruction will be from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. If players need to be dropped off earlier, contact Ed Guy for arrangements. If a player is unable to attend all days due to vacations or other events, it will be OK. Just let Coach Guy know your schedule.
“Our goal is to encourage tennis in Kings Mountain and to support the middle school and high school programs,” Guy said. “I would like to encourage interested boys to sign up as we need more participation with them.”
Starting dates will be Monday and Wednesdays, starting June 13 for the advanced group, and Tuesday and Thursday, June 14 for the beginner group. There is no fee; however, a parent must provide six cans of Penn or Wilson tennis balls to be used by all. Players should take water and a towel. They should have an upper grade tennis racquet, tennis shoes and light weight clothing.
“I will have a limited number of borrowed racquets to start those who do not have one,” Guy said. “The new tennis building bathrooms will be available for the clinic.”
Persons interested may contact Coach Guy by email, text or phone for more information. His phone and text number is 704-473-3608 and his email address is“We realize that many parents work, so if a player pickup is a problem, contact me for solutions,” Guy said.